Interview by Audrey Koo and Eugene Tham | Edited by Jennifer Lim Wei Zhen
TechLaw.Fest 2018 will take place from 4 to 6 April 2018 in Singapore, bringing together the movers and shakers in the space of Technology Law and Legal Technology. In the lead-up to TechLaw.Fest, the LawTech.Asia team will be bringing to you regular interviews and shout-outs covering prominent speakers and the topics they will be speaking at TechLaw.Fest.
LawTech.Asia sat down for a chat with Serena Lim, Director at Bizibody Technology, Opus 2 International (Singapore) and Litigation Edge. Prior to founding Bizibody, she was the managing director of Khattar Wong & Partner’s Hong Kong Office. She is, inter alia, a specialist in practice management technologies, and is a consultant for discovery, litigation and court technologies.
At TechLaw.Fest 2018, Serena will be a panellist at the “Legal Tech Primer Session” at the Tech of Law Exchange. She will be introducing current legal research, document review and knowledge management tools.
What are some examples of legal secretarial work that are repetitive, and which your company has helped automated?
Two examples are (1) billings and (2) document preparation. These are areas of legal practice in which automation is possible and useful.
Let me illustrate what a law firm has to do without the aid of automation when issuing bills or doing substantive legal work such as conveyancing, personal injury, debt collection and corporate secretarial work.